Earlier this month I had the privilege of doing an interview with Dave Hawkins of The Antidote. If you aren’t familiar with the show, Dave does a great job interview Christian artists from all over the world. Many you’ve heard of but also a lot that I’m sure you haven’t. So please subscribe to The Antidote on your favorite podcast platform. My episode is finally here and available to listen to wherever you listen to podcasts or directly from The Antidote website:
I decided to debut a brand new song on The Antidote! Listen to the whole interview and at the end you’ll catch a never before heard song named Alvira! Starting tomorrow and for the next month, Alvira will be available for purchase exclusively through Bandcamp. On the podcast I go into the story behind the song so be sure to check it out there first.
If you liked hearing me discuss Brave Machine on The Antidote I’d love it if you left a comment on the show’s Facebook page!
As always, thanks for listening!